Friday, October 19, 2012

Lasagna Vegetariana

The Occupation and Activity

The recipe I made for dinner tonight was Lasagna Vegerteriana, as the name suggests a vegetable lasagne. This occupation is classifed as cooking  and its italian cooking as the type of cooking completed. In terms of taxonomies, it could be classified as a multitude of different headings such as challenge, leisure, etc. As this occupation is engrained in human history it would be classified as necessity, it also has meaning to some people. Cooking has been done for hundreds and thousands of years and different cultures have different meanings for cooking.

The occupation and Identity

With cooking there are so many roles, norms and routine, it all comes down to the person and the reason why they are taking part in this occupation, every person sees cooking differently. I see cooking as leisure and productivity, however it can also be seen for meaning and necessity. Like I have said in other posts, cooking used to be done by woman while the men were the breadwinners, however this has totally changed in more recent times.

Technical Aspects

Materials used :

90ml oil
1 quanity of whilte sauce
1 tablespoon onion, finely chopped
500ml tomato passata
8 dried lasagne sheets
180grm cheese
20grm parmesan cheese, freshly grated
salt and pepper

Equipment used :

Stove top
Oven dish
Sauce pans
tin foil

All resources were either found in the home environment or at supermarket.

Making Lasagne - How to :

1)Pre heat oven to 200 degrees
2)Heat oil in pan, and saute vegetables over a medium heat until soft, meanwhile make white sauce
3) Take the veges out of pan and place on ktichen paper to remove excess oil and set aside
4) Pour most of oil out of pan and put back on medium heat, sweat the onion and add the tomato passata and cook for 5mins.
5) Remove from heat, add to cooked veges, season with salt and pepper and set aside
6) Lightly grease an ovenproof dish with some oil. Line the dish with a little of the tomato sauce (not including any vegetables). Arrange a layer of lasange sheets over the top, then a layer of white sauce. Next put a layer of tomato and vege sauce, including the vegetables, sprinkle with cheese. Continue with another layer of lasange sheets and then all the following layers until all the ingrediants have been used. Make sure to end with a topping of cheese.
7) Cover with aluminum foil and bake in the oven for 15mins, Remove foil and bake for another 15mins.
8) Remove from oven, leave to rest for another minute or so and serve.

The Environment

I learnt my occupation in my own home, in the kitchen. As said in other posts cooking is such a easy thing to do that you can do it almost everywhere if you have the facilities and ingrediants. There is nothing really to limit you from doing it. Cooking is more fun and motivating when you have a reason to do it, I find I like cooking with other people, as it gets a bit lonely when you are doing it yourself. Having someone challenge you really helps

Learning the Occupation

Steps are outlined above. Some tips that i found were, not to add to much cheese or it gets sickly and you have to snap the lasange sheets to fit into the ovendish. Also making sure you measure everything is helpful as you then get it right and it tastes better.

Participation Barriers and Affordances

Having a reason to cook really assisted my motivation. I really enjoy having a challenge and having some new to try and every new recipe is motivating. The barriers I encountered again were having to go to supermarket to get the ingrediants, as some of the ingrediants we dont have in our cuboard. Also not ever having heard of tomato passata was interesting !

Personal reflection

Very good recipe, so much fun, although time consuming. Need to make sure you have all ingrediants before you try this recipe as it requires quite a few !! however you can skip out a few ingrediants !

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